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DigiView User's Guide

The Pattern search type is used for Boolean or Bus signal types (see: Define Searches, Boolean Signals, Bus Signals).




This search type can be used to find a value of one signal or a pattern of values in multiple signals, that lasts for a specified time period.


You can see in the "Fetch from 094D" search displayed above, that it will search for a pattern consisting of values from three signals (ALE, PSEN, AD14-0) that lasts for a duration of more than 50 nanoseconds. If this condition is found in the captured data, the specified marker will be set to the time when the match occurs. In the above example, this would be 50ns after the matching pattern begins.



Match Duration: Determines whether to skip all packets until a match is found, or to skip the number of packets specified in "Skip Count" and then see if the next packet is a match.


Duration Units The duration qualifiers can be in ns,us,ms or sec and can use REAL numbers (1.23 us).


Signals: Select a signal from this list to "add" them to the search. Signals added to the search are displayed below the signal selection box where the pattern to match can be edited.


Match Pattern Format The match patterns can be specified in decimal, hex or binary.  To indicate a HEX specification, precede the number with '0x'. To indicate BINARY, precede the number with 'b'.  Binary specifications allow '0','1' and 'X' (don't care) characters.  HEX specifications allow HEX digits (0-1,A-F) or 'X' for a nibble of don't care bits.  Decimal specifications must use only 0-9.