Install a Plug-in
There is no formal installation procedure for DigiView Plug-ins. Simply copying a plug-in into the <DigiView Plugin Directory> will make it available to DigiView.
The echostate.exe plug-in should already be installed because the example projects were configured to auto-install the plug-ins after each successful build.
Verify the Plug-in
In order to test the plug-in, we need some capture data for it to decode. We placed an example capture file in the <PDK Directory>directory for this tutorial. To verify the plug-in works, follow these steps:
1.We do not need hardware for this tutorial so unplug your DigiView if present. This simplifies situations where your DigiView model has fewer channels than the one we used to capture this data.
2.Launch tutorial.dvdat in DigiView. Notice that we have already defined a signal using the built-in STATE parser/signal type.
3.Create a new signal based on the echostate.exe plug-in.
•click 'Config -> Signals'
•Click on 'echostate.exe' in the signal type list
•Click 'Add'
4.The signal's editor should open. Set configuration options to match the STATE signal's settings. In particular:
•Select 'rising edge' for the Clock On
•Select Channel 4 for Clock Channel
•Select Channels 3-0 and UN-Check 'INV' for Data Channels
•Check 'DIS'able boxes for 'Enable Channel' and 'Frame Sync Channel'
•Click on OK. They should now decode the same. Click 'OK' to close the Signal Editor.
5.Click OK to close the Project Settings.
6.The echostate.exe signal and the original STATE signal should look similar. They should decode the same values, but they are displayed in different colors.
7.If they don't match, then STATE signal options have changed. Double-click on the STATE signal name to open its editor and verify the following settings:
•All of the settings described in step 5 match
•States per Frame set to 0
•Show Field Idles is UNCHECKED
Notice that the built-in signal (STATE) displays more configuration items than the plug-in signal (echostate). The common configuration items are the ones provided by the STATE pre-processor. The extra items seen in the STATE signal are the items provided by the built-in post-processor. Since your plug-in replaced the post-processor, these options are no longer present. Your plug-in is taking responsibility for these functions.
We will expand on this plug-in and add some custom configuration options in the next section: Create a New Plug-in.